Imagine our delight when we received these pretzel-patterned sneakers in our inboxes—and just in time too, since our stash of office snacks just disappeared and we've really been hankering for some munchie-inspired accessories. Those photo-realistic pretzels look so good that we almost hope that they were in our bellies instead of on those shoes, and we're pretty sure that if we carried around the Pita Pocket purse, we'd want to fill it with our favorite brand of hummus instead of spare change. Have a sweet tooth? Elizabeth Yarborough's miniatures look like the feast of our dreams (seriously though, who ate all the cereal?). The best part about these goodies is that they're healthier than a real meringue or bag of pretzels. The worst part? Well...they're not real meringue or pretzels. Who's up for an early dinner?
Homer Pretzel Shoe, $75, available at Keep Company; Ramos Pretzel Shoe, $75, available at Keep Company.

Above, from left: Elizabeth Yarborough Finger Food Collection, available at Yarborough.com.