Ever the busy bee, Chloë Sevigny has just finished up her latest project—a photobook for her Opening Ceremony Spring/Summer '08 collection. Curated by Sevigny and shot by photographer Mark Borthwick, the book features a slew of interactive photos of Sevigny dolled up her latest creations (many inspired by her high-school style icons). Mixed with the shots of a gingham-and-floral-bedecked Sevigny are transparencies and illustrations by artists including Marika Thunder, Rita Ackerman, and Lizzie Bougatsos, creating a fun little flipbook that lets you make images of the already strange and ethereal actress even more strange and ethereal.

As Opening Ceremony co-founder Humberto Leon told New York Magazine's The Cut, "You can flip all the clothing around. Its goes from mini little Santa Claus to wearing Chloë outfits…It's a cool little book." The upper and lower halves of the pages are split, allowing the Sevingy's torso to flow into a picture of a psychedelic shell. As with her collection, the mixing and matching possibilities are endless.

Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony photobook, $65, available at Opening Ceremony, 35 Howard Street New York, 212-219-2631 and 451 North La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, 310-652-1180 and bookstores worldwide. Visit www.openingceremony.us.