If we were magically granted three fashion wishes, you can bet one of them would be a closet just like Cher Horowitz's in Clueless: complete with rotating racks of clothes, a computerized inventory, and the shoes. Oh, the shoes. While our urban apartments can't quite accommodate the kind of clothing structure our favorite Valley Girl would approve of, our friends over at Sole Society are doing their part to get you as close to a full-blown dream closet as possible.
With its insanely stylish shoes and a new arrival every single day, the newly launched site offers the hottest footwear you'll see in class, on the sidewalks, and beyond — all at prices that won't bust your budget. Not like that'll be a problem for one of you: We've teamed up with the Sole Society to give one of our readers
a year's worth of shoes — for free
Need new boots next week, flats for fall, and a pair of stilettos for that New Year's Eve party? No problem. Once a month for twelve months, you can get a fresh pair of kicks on us, delivered straight to your doorstep's welcome mat. All you gotta do is sign up to receive e-mails from R29 & Sole Society, and you'll be entered to win an entire shoe wardrobe, on us.