If you’re having a case of the Mondays, we’ve got the remedy (and it’s a much cooler than smashing that fax machine). Instead of dashing out of the office homeward-bound, re-route yourself to Sons of Essex on the Lower East Side for their Monday night “Dinner And A… Band” and start your week off right. Make your reservation for next week. (Facebook)
Interns and young hopefuls, get out your notebooks: There’s a new generation of fashion industry movers and shakers who prove that dedication, good ol’ fashioned hard work, and impeccable personal style can turn a dream into reality. Plus, they share their shopping recommendations. Now that’s a mentor! (Lucky Magazine)
If you feel like you’re entering jaded-New-Yorker territory, Cameron Michael’s time lapse video, The Manhattan Project, will help remind you why you fell in love with the Big Apple’s energy and architecture in the first place. (High Snobiety)
Figuring out what to do with all your past-its-prime tech accessories can turn into an eco-friendly conundrum. The debate usually ends with hiding them in the dustiest corner of your closet. We doubt your first thought was to hit the deep fryer, but if it was, Brooklyn-based artist, Henry Hargeaves beat you to the kitchen. (Animal New York)
Pssst…sample sales are underway. Combat your outfitting doldrums, but keep the cash in your wallet. We’ll name drop a few to get you psyched—J. Crew and Madewell are up to 60% off and Steven Alan one-ups them with 70% off online goods (woah!). Click for the rest! (New York Magazine)

Photo: Via Animal New York