appearance by Anissa Richmond.
We all have certain spending routines: paying the electric bill, allocating whatever loose change remains to our "savings," refilling our eight-step skin-care regimen on what feels like a monthly basis. Our spending can sometimes become so habitual, we barely notice we're doing it — until our credit card statements arrive. That’s why we challenged Refinery29’s own Anissa Richmond to become a more intentional, conscientious spender — by ditching her wallet for five days and relying entirely on app spending.
Watch as she navigates splitting a dinner bill with friends, purchasing an outfit for a night out, and commuting across New York City — with nothing but her cell phone. Fortunately, that’s the one thing she doesn’t have to worry about: With Visible, she sets her phone bill to autopay at the start of the week using the phone service's app, and it’s all taken care of for just $40/month. Does going wallet-free actually help her keep her spending in check? Find out above. (Spoiler: There is not, in fact, an app for everything.)