Truth be told, no one knows hats quite like designer and provocateur Stephen Jones. Hence, we were happy to be in attendance at the preview and gala last night at London's V&A Museum, which is hosting the exhibition: Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones. The exhibition features more than 300 hats, ranging from Darth Vadar's hat/mask to an Egyptian Anubis mask from 600 BC to Queen Victoria's bonnet, and more. Inside, there was a salon set up in the middle of the exhibition space staged to look like a milliner's workshop (very clever!). Upon arrival, Jones was outside (wearing a top hat, of course) having his photo taken with two other topped-off guests. Inside was a sea of hat amazingness. Colored lights illuminated the space, and with so much to soak up, we made sure to get a look at each incredible creation, from a lobster hat to a paper hamburger, two wooden ships, a gay biker dude in a leather motorcycle hat, the list goes on. And so did dessert, as marshmallow squares on skewers, little chocolates, and candied orange peels made the evening even sweeter.