On paper, London dream-pop outfit Still Corners’ new track "Fireflies" doesn’t sound like anything special. Here’s another band mining the sounds of the ‘80s, using imagery that’s already been put to use by countless high school poetry students, and worse, Owl City. But don’t write off “Fireflies” just yet.
Delivered via the breathy vocals of Tessa Murray and produced with exactly the right amount of gauzy delicacy, the elements that could be most overdone are exactly what make the track a success. While lyrics like, “Everyone wants to fly with the fireflies” could sound trite or downright silly, they instead evoke half-remembered nights and youthful aspirations. Sill Corners aren’t about breaking new ground, but rather, the opposite — they manage to bottle lightning while looking unabashedly backward, which is no easy task and a wonderful surprise.
Still Corners—Fireflies
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