We at Refinery29 like to consider ourselves connoisseurs of blogs, especially the ones that celebrate personal style. That's why we are insanely excited to see the applications roll in for the 2nd Annual Style Blogger Contest! The grand prize involves an internship at R29, not to mention 1,000 buckaroos to add to your bank account. And the first prize winner will get a chance to tour America's top flea markets, reppin' Macy's Bar III. Oh, and if you've got a popular blog but didn't quite win over the judges? Earn the most likes and receive the People's Choice Award — we'll profile you on R29!
Just a week into the contest, we already can tell this is going to be one tough decision, as our applicants span the map and are packed with talent. We can't shout out just one yet, but we have rounded up several fun stats about our pool of participants. Read on and, duh, enter!
31: Number of leopard-clad bloggers
53 and counting... : Number of New York bloggers
Mumbai, India: The farthest-away entry
48,252: The population of the smallest town any applicant is from (Mishawaka, Indiana)
2: Number of applicants from Greece
3: Number of people holding balloons in thier pics
2: Céline bags spotted
1: Number of bloggers who made a skirt out of their husband's shirts