Well this doesn't seem like a bad idea at all. Condé Nast announced that they're planning to launch a print version of Style.com, the go-to website for runway photos, high-fashion party pics, and mega-slideshows courtesy of Tommy Ton. The new magazine will debut after this September's fashion week and will be solely devoted to that season, which is a curious thing considering those people who are actually interested in immediately seeing runway photos and hashing out trends will want to do it as soon as possible (i.e., online), and the products that they're most interested in won't be available for six months (a tricky thing to get around for advertisers). Also, the title of the new magazine will also incorporate Style.com. Style.com Gone Glossy? Style.com Uplugged? Style.com Minus The Dot Com? In tandem with their strategy, we suggest pulling out a quill and parchment and carrier-pigeon-ing them your suggestions. (AdWeek)