The election is finally over, but there’s more to look forward to this weekend than just catching up on TV sans political ads. Head out to H Street and enjoy what looks to be another gorgeous fall weekend at the second annual Submerge festival, an eclectic nine-day “flash art happening” brought to you by No Kings Collective.
Composed entirely of D.C.-area artists, NKC has been making waves in the District’s underground art scene over the last five years, thanks to the founders' knack for transforming empty urban venues into off-the-wall art and event spaces. This year’s Submerge event will be comprised of a wholly unique blend of fashion, art, and music, combining works from 24 solo exhibitions into a single, focused show. On the talent docket this year? Kelly Towles, Paul Mericle, Victoria Milko, Decoy, Ultra, and Kate Warren, for starters.
In addition to the free exhibits that are open to the public during the day, Submerge will host a variety of ticketed evening events, including artist Q&A sessions, comedy sketches, live-art productions, musical performances, and more. Our pick among the series of can't-miss events: Get Fashion, a showcase of local designers and retail pop-ups that includes food, music, and entertainment, happening next Friday, November 16.
When: Saturday, November 10, through Sunday, November 18, from 1-6 p.m. daily. See a complete schedule of events here.
Where: 700 H Street NE; no phone.
Where: 700 H Street NE; no phone.
Photo: Courtesy of Paul Mericle