That Connery sure could wear 'em, hunh? Donned in 1965's Thunderball by the OGB (original James Bond), these tiny blue shorts have left an impression that reverberated down 47 years of staring, elevated heart rates, and more staring. As part of The Barbican's "Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style" exhibition, Brit clothiers Sunspel have teamed up with curators to recreate the very shorts that had men beset with envy and women breathing quite heavily. More than a museum showpiece, these suddenly on-trend short shorts — with their perfect beach color and single pocket — are a piece of sex-symbol history you can take home and wear by the shore. Just enter Sunspel's unique giveaway here, cross your fingers, and get those thighs in reasonably Connery=esque shape. Oh, and having a Riva boat to hop off of would help, too. Good luck!
Photo: Courtesy Sunspel