The industry has long harbored a bemusement with Libyan dictator Gaddafi's personal style way before he became publicly, drastically evil, but it seems that now he's just pushing buttons to rack up the insanity points. The NYT's Horatio Silva was the recipient of a letter from the aide to the Libyan Minister for Culture and Ethnic Affairs proposing the 2013 Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum in New York be dedicated to Gaddafi's years of zhuzh. From the letter, "Many of his clothes have been featured in global magazines from the hundreds of state visits and functions he has hosted over the years for world leaders. All of whom are in agreement, ahumdullillah, that our President is one of the very best dressed men of the last half century. It is not only African and Arab leaders who have been influenced by his style and substance, but many Western rockstars and celebrities have also been won over by the Gaddafi look: Most notably, Michael Jackson in the 1980s copied the signature military style motif of our leader to great chart success on his own terms." That's half the exhibition right there! We propose the other half is dedicated to the crazypants antics he's been consistently pulling—NAGL, if we've ever seen one. (T Magazine via Racked)