In a move that is sure to rattle the sensibilities of millions of young women, Leighton "Blair Waldorf" Meester has dyed her hair blonde. (People)
The wine bottles for Christian Audigier's new brand of wines (!?!) give us a nasty hangover. (Luxist)
At 38, Naomi Campbell is mulling retirement. No! Don't take away our fun. (Daily Mail)
The fashionable Brit-pop fan's favorite couple, Camille Bidault-Waddington and Jarvis Cocker, have called it quits. Sad. Seems they had different agendas—he needed to be alone and needed to snog Olivier Zahm. (Fashionologie)
"What Would Carrie Bradshaw's Babies Wear?" We can name five things wrong with that question right off the top of our heads. (StyleList)