What with all the verdant vociferousness these days, it's a wonder that we haven't come across more summaries of well-researched tips to make your closet's innards eco-friendly. But having just stumbled upon this very thing in the form of treehugger's "How to Green Your Wardrobe" FAQs and factoids, making environmentally responsible choices as far as our clothes are concerned will be easier than ever. Though a fair share of their pointers regard things we're proud to say we've already incorporated into our fashion choices, some are rather new & noteworthy, including avoiding dry cleaners that use perc (a known carcinogen), seeking out organic cotton (normally a third of a pound of chemical fertilizers and pesticides goes into the cotton for one T-shirt!), and approaching new fabrics like bamboo, soy, and corn with a healthy skepticism. Happy greening. (treehugger)