They say that the third time's the charm and In God We Trust's Lower East Side outpost certainly fits the bill. Shana Tabor's third boutique, a welcome addition to Ludlow Street's colorful scene, is just as charming as her original Brooklyn flagship. Decorated and composed of 95% recycled materials, including antique curio cabinets, brass mirrors, and vintage leather trunks, the store houses Tabor's entire In God We Trust line of comfortable flirty ready-to-wear and playful jewelry. This Halloween weekend, you lovely Refinery29 readers are in for a special treat with an exclusive 20% discount on In God We Trust's fall clothing complements of Tabor and yours truly. Just mention 'Refinery29' and pick up one of our faves like the flannel-lined Red Jack wool coat or the teal Bib mini-dress. Plus, gents, not to feel left out, check out their selection of perfectly worn cotton shirts and classic canvas carryalls. You knew that dropping our name would eventually pay dividends. You're welcome.

In God We Trust is located at, 153 Ludlow Street, 212-228-1055; www.ingodwetrustnyc.com.