60 Seconds With Tali Lennox

60SecondsWith_1Photo: Courtesy of AS by DF.
Designed by Denise Focil, the spring AS by DF range pairs feminine silouttes with tough-chick fabrics, including leather, suede, and neoprene. So, who better to star as the face of the collection than rock royalty progeny meets British model Tali Lennox (Annie is her mom). We caught up with the PYT during a quick break between shots, to discuss vintage clothes, sore throats, and debate which coast is the best coast.

L.A. versus N.Y. — where do you stand?
"I've been visiting L.A. since I was little, and I do love it here. But, for me it's not a competition. I love N.Y.! I'm a fast paced kind of person, so the city really suits me. Who knows though? People change. Maybe one day I'll end up in L.A."


What are your interests aside from modeling?
"I like to write and read a lot. I've been taking acting classes, too. But, I'm only just realizing how young I am. I'm only 20! I want to try different things and see what sticks. I would love to do educational documentaries one day."

Do you have any interest in pursuing a career in music?
"No, I don't think so. I think you have to be so passionate about it, because it's such a challenging way of life. Also, I physically probably couldn't do it; I always have a sore throat. I have to sort that out. My sister is a really talented musician, though, so I'll leave that to her and do my own thing."

What do you love about fashion?
"Well, I especially love vintage clothes and secondhand clothes. But, overall, I think fashion can be a magical thing. It's fun dressing up. It makes that part of your day imaginative and experimental."

How would you describe your own style?
"It's always changing. Most of the time I think I just go with my mood. But, I'm young so my mood changes a lot! I love the Lolita look these days. And I'll always love Alabama Worley's look in True Romance."

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