We don’t know about you, but “What’s your favorite band?” is one of the first questions we ask a potential mate. It’s a superb filter for creeps—we need to know if you still like Limp Bizkit—and an easy way to make a connection to a total stranger. New dating site Tastebuds, matches you and potential dates based on the types of music you both like. You can either start by typing in some of your favorite bands, or get a little more honest by logging in through your (no-holds-barred) Last.fm or Facebook accounts. Further refine your love search with filtering matches by age, gender, and geographical location. Thus far, searches for dudes who like both cool, relevant bands and not-so-relevant bands—New Order and Korn, respectively—have yielded some pretty tasty results, so we have a pretty good feeling about Tastebuds. Based on the site’s intuitive matchmaking approach, we could see Tastebuds luring in even the staunchest of online-dating skeptics (like us).