If there’s one thing you should know about Taylor Cassidy, the 19-year-old TikTok creator who has a reach of 2.2 million followers, is that she loves a vision board. It all started four years ago, when she decided to start creating collaged visual representations of all she hopes will come to fruition in the year ahead ‐ a now-yearly ritual she’s found to play an important role in her many achievements, like when she manifested a Tedx talk about social media stardom (just one of the things that was on her 2022 vision board).
After joining TikTok “just for fun” in late 2019, she combined her love for video and Black culture to create her now-viral series Fast Black History and Black Girl Magic Minute. Since then, she’s built an approachable, yet unapologetic internet presence that delves into everything from a celebration of Blackness to her day-to-day as an NYU film student ‐ and has found success across multiple platforms, including online radio.
しかしキャシディは、オンラインでの知名度が上がっている中でも、ソーシャルメディアから離れて地に足をつけることに自由時間を活用している。ソーシャルメディアの速いペースとは対照的に、ゆっくりと、自分にとって一番大事な思い出に浸り、感謝するために時間をとっているのだ。「終わりのないスクロールの連鎖によって、自分でも気がつかないうちに、思い出をおろそかにしてしまう」と彼女は言う。「5分間のうちに50枚のいろんな写真をスクロールしたら、一枚一枚の写真をきちんと記憶にとどめ、大事にできる可能性が低くなるでしょう」。だからこそ彼女は、instax mini Link 2 プリンターと専用アプリ (Apple App Store, Google Play)を使ってスマートフォンから直接、写真をプリントしてお気に入りの思い出を残すことで、物理的な写真に深い感謝の気持ちを持つようになった。
But even as her digital star rises, Cassidy spends much of her free time focusing on staying grounded off social media, slowing down its rapid pace to take in and appreciate the memories that mean the most. “The endless scrolling cycle makes us value memories less, even if we don’t realize it,” she says. “If you're scrolling past 50 different photos in the span of five minutes, you’re less likely to remember or cherish each one.” That's why she’s developed a deep appreciation for physical photographs, using the instax mini Link 2 printer and its accompanying app (Apple App Store, Google Play) to print and therefore preserve her favorite memories, straight from her smartphone.
「物理的な写真だと、時間をとって細かいところまで観察せざるを得ない」とキャシディは付け加える。「それに、スクリーンショットを撮れないから、その一枚の写真を持っていると、より所有意識と愛着が沸いて、もっと価値があるものになる」。キャシディのこのコメントは、物理的な写真が彼女のビジョンボードにとって欠かせない役割を担っていることを物語っている。instax mini Link 2を使って2023年に向けた意志を印刷した今年のビジョンボードは、寮のベッドの真上にギャラリーウォールのように飾ってある。そのため、彼女は毎朝、それを見て考える時間をとることができるのだ。
“Physical photographs force you to take your time and examine every detail,” adds Cassidy. “Plus, you can’t screenshot them, so when you have one, there’s more ownership and attachment to it, making it more valuable.” This, of course, explains why they play such an integral role in her vision boards. For this year’s board, she used her mini Link 2 to print out her 2023 intentions, which now hang directly over her dorm room bed, gallery wall-style, where she can reflect on them each morning.
The memories Cassidy chose to commemorate for 2023 link together themes of self-acceptance, a desire and appreciation for growth, and a call to calmness and alignment. “I tried to choose photos in my camera roll where, at that moment, I could feel the memory,” she explains. “I remembered how I felt when I took them; in those moments, I focused on capturing a memory instead of an aesthetic.”
To Cassidy, even something as simple as a selfie can be powerful, and the one she chose to bring into this new year is both a celebration of her Blackness and a reminder to be patient with herself. “I took this photo after trying a hairstyle that scared me,” she explains. “I’ve learned to love my hair when it’s natural, but I’m still navigating braids or cornrows. As a young Black person, it’s very hard for me to look past the stereotyping around Black hair. There are a lot of stigmas. I talk a lot about loving my Blackness, but at the end of the day, I’m still working through it, too. It’s a process.”
Other additions include a photo of a fierce ‘fit — a black crop top, an animal-print skirt, and combat boots ‐ that represent the carefree, creative spirit she’s hoping to channel this year; a Chinatown festival snapshot that nods to her goal of immersing herself in her new city; and an image of red beans and rice to remind her of her mother’s cooking (and, on a grander scale, the laughter, the gratitude, and the calmness that the memory evokes). A shot of a steaming mug of hot apple cider calls for more stillness and slowing down, while another featuring a lush group of houseplants symbolizes self-growth for the year ahead, their tangles of vines cascading off the shelves as if they’re overflowing with prosperity.
Perhaps the most significant inclusion is a photo of her own painting, which she considers the most meaningful and deeply personal art she’s created in the last year ‐ a depiction of her embracing her younger self. “Last summer, I was faced with a difficult situation where I realized I hadn't been true to myself and needed to forgive myself for past actions,” she explains. “I was still holding those actions over myself, and this painting is the physical form of me telling myself, I forgive you, we can move on. Every time I look at it, I remember that I’m never going to sacrifice myself for anything ever again. That’s something I wanted to bring with me into the new year.”

What’s more, she’s chosen never to share this work with her followers…until now. “I find more value in things that I never share online,” she says. “I didn’t live those particular moments or events for my followers, but rather, for me. When I do choose to share, it’s because it might bring someone else joy or inspiration.”
And it’s these specific, cherished moments from Cassidy’s past ‐ preserved through physical prints, saved from being lost in an overwhelming sea of camera roll photos ‐ that she can look back on as a way to, in turn, shape her future. “Being visually reminded of precious memories is extremely important to me, and by seeing them every day, I never fail to feel thankful for the life I've gotten to live so far,” she says. “I’ve learned to be content with what life gives, not what it should give. It’s all about gratitude.”