Photo: Courtesy of Summit Entertainment.

Jacob is just too many feelings: The incomparable Natasha Vargas-Cooper (in her incredible conversation with Mary H.K. Choi at The Awl), remarked that, "I feel like girls who are Team Jacob do not understand that Bella is Fire and Jacob is Fire. Too much fire! Too many feelings!"
Perhaps most importantly, what is the most fascinating about this series is the overt, honest, and totally palpable angst, brooding, and longing we experience on every page and in every frame. That super-saturated blue filter. All the lip-biting. The dreamy gazes and extra close-up-close-ups. We squirm a little and sigh along with Bella, because there is just so much electric desire between her and Edward, and that type of complexity doesn't work with the fire-on-fire Bella-Jacob pairing. With his heart on his sleeve, he just doesn't provide enough torturous want for Bella. For the sake of dramatic composition — plus the collective teeth-clenching of women everywhere, the melancholy-tinged world of Forks just wouldn't work with Jacob.