Tell Us Something We Don’t Know: S.F. Ranked Among Top Places to Live


We've got the Golden Gate Bridge, the beautiful Bay, and the
best food
. So, naturally, it wasn't a surprise to us when we found out that San Francisco was recently listed as one of the best places to live in the world, according to the results of British-company Mercer's "2011 Quality of Life" survey. While Vienna topped the list, followed by a plethora of Australian and German cities, S.F. had the honor of being one of only two U.S. cities to earn a coveted spot (Honolulu being the other). While we may be a tad biased, we're inclined to say that San Francisco should've landed somewhere around, oh, number one (I mean, how awesome are we?!) In any case, we're just glad that the whole world will now know what we always have: That everyone who doesn't already live here in beautiful San Fran wishes they did. (Huffington Post)

Photo: Via Huffington Post