Recession or not, there is holiday cheer aplenty, and no one can escape the present parade that is about to commence (except maybe Jehovah's Witnesses). But come this time next week, guess what? It's time to thank everyone who made this season oh so magical. And forget about the e-mail thank you--lame! Instead, suck it up and spend a glorious afternoon hand-writing thank you notes, just like mom taught you. In honor of such an activity, we've found some exceptional thank you cards that are practically as awesome as the gifts they're acknowledging. Now, get writing!
Above, clockwise from left: Handmade Hellos, $20.95, available at Fred Flare; Robot Thank You Card, $3, available at Etsy; Talking Birds card, available at Pistachio Press.

From left to right: Alice and Her Chatty Friends, $10 for a set of six, available at Etsy; Monogram Card Set, $9 for set of five, available in multiple letters at Urban Outfitters.