If you're hankering for delectable, gastropubtastic treats like crispy risotto balls and truffled mac, get yourself on the L train, bound for the new dinner menu at The Bedford in Williamsburg. Guaranteed clean plate! (The Bedford)
Mad Men –– is there substance behind the Lucky Strike smoke screen? Maybe not. The show's success might just be Matthew Weiner capitalizing on 40 years of accumulated nostalgia for the '60s, the time just before American culture (or, you-know-what) hit the 38th parallel fan. (New Yorker)
Food and fashion fanatics gather 'round: there's a new site for us to chew on! TheNewPotato.com profiles tastemakers and food innovators across the city, getting the top dish on top dishes, home goods, and le mode. This one's bookmark material! (The New Potato)
New Yorkers don't joke about bagels, and Davidovich Bakery is no exception. They're preparing legal action against Dunkin' Donut's bagel heresay, alleging that the big-box baker's new "artisan bagels" falsely advertise as the good, hand-made, home-boiled stuff, when they're really just made by "robots." (Gothamist)
And you thought The Dream just hosted late-night dance parties. Exit the elevator, and you're in the middle of Safira, the hotel's boutique stocked full with must-have brands from around the world. (Safira)

Photo Via The Bedford