Vintage Lanvin Purse—Lanvin for under $200? Yes. And if you're like us, you'll haggle for $150, just because you can.
Being the vintage whores that we are, we were interested to read in WWD yesterday about how vintage e-commerce shops are a growing niche. Sites like Atelier-Mayer and Vintage Academe are thriving by hawking pricey vintage from designers like Vionnet and Pucci. Sure, these sites make it easy to find mint pieces, but you better be prepared to pay for it. As much as a Missoni kimono or a Lanvin smoking jacket makes us woozy, at more than $2k each, we'll stick to our own happy hunting. Here, we sniffed out a range of truly special collector's pieces you may indeed spot on one of these tony sites...someday. But today, they're yours for the taking.