We love that around this time every month, we get to announce the new designer-in-residence at Den, the permanent pop-up-shop mini-store owned by its larger brother, Odin. Engineered Garments, Common Projects, and others have all set up shop for short stays at the mini-boutique. This month, one of the office's abosolute faves, Shipley & Halmos, will be calling Den home for the next few weeks—lending an address to their sharp, American, tailored clothes for the first time. Said Jeff Halmos, "Our collection has always sold well at Odin. We've had a close relationship with them for several years now. It was a natural transition to work on Den." The other half of the design duo, Sam Shipley, added, "We feel it's a great way to showcase the collection in our own environment. We've never had an opportunity to do so." When asked if this might lead to a Shipley & Halmos store, Shipley was coy but excited. "Jeff and I are anxious to see how customers respond," he said. New to brick-and-mortar set ups, the boys collaborated with the Den team to create a space to resonate with the creepy German Expressionist film that inspired the fall/winter '08 collection on sale there (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, who knew?) As all you Robert Wiene fans out there may have anticipated, the eerie checkerboard floor is warped, ravens are scattered here and there, and the vibe is downright surreal—perfect for October. Not that we're spooked.

Den is located at 330 East 11th Street, 212-475-0079; www.dennewyork.com.