A boon for crafties and the frugal alike, the Guardian of England has gifted the world with a DIY guide to whipping up homemade versions of looks by luminaries such as Martin Margiela, Jade Jagger, Sir Paul Smith, Vivienne Westwood, Alice Temperley. Dame Viv offers up a how-to step-by-step instruction book for making one of her asymmetrical rag dresses with visual directions that look like something you might find tucked into the back of an airline seat. Jade Jager's video tutorial is almost as cute as the ribbon-based charm bracelet she submitted. Sir Paul's guide to custom shirting is as detailed and charming as his own work. Temperley, always the proper Brit, asks readers to write in for her dress pattern. But the hands-down winner is Martin Margiela's colorful Polaroid photo essay on how to craft one of his recycled fashions out of a vest, some ribbon, and a copy of your favorite tabloid. So get out those scissors, some rubber cement, and your old sheets—top-end Brit design is only a little elbow grease away.