Cor blimey! Everyone's got England on the brain.
Is the Jane already in danger of going the way of the Beatrice? Maybe people should stop naming West Village hipster hotspots after women.
Darling three-year-old future empress of the universe, Suri Cruise, is already wearing high heels. The parents are keeping her away from fishnets until she's at least four.
During Fashion Week, Lily Donaldson likes to unwind by having picnics in her car. Watch out for the gearshift, girl.
Spare a thought for the poor
editors who won't have as much need for their passports as they did in previous seasons.
Dear NBC 4 Washington news team: Yes, yes—we all like to see a model take a tumble (particularly when she does it twice in a row), but try to stay professional when reporting about it, mmkay?
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