When we think
Jersey Shore
, we don't usually think gay. With all those heterosexual hookups (and apparent STDS), it's hard to imagine there's a closet case hanging out in the mix. But, there's no question that boys of the show—Vinny Guadagnino, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino—scream homo-erotic. All the tans, smooth chests, the mass of hair-products, and the overwhelming amount of bling all conform to America's stereotypical definitions of gay. Apparently, the
Village Voice
agrees, with their annual "queer" issue featuring the dudes slicked-up and shirtless with the caption: "The Guido Ideal: Jersey's shore on the down-low." The paper's claiming the cast aren't D-L gays, just "hot,"—but, either way, the boys didn't know they were posing for a gay-themed issue. Which sorta sucks, we're pretty sure the Situation headlining a guido threesome would certainly make for a hit porno. (Perez Hilton)