Did you fall down get a boo boo? Alexandre Herchcovitch has some gaudy first aid for you. (Style.com)
Perhaps the greatest waste of natural and acquired talent in pop-culture history, Michael Jackson, is considering becoming a fashion designer. We could make jokes about single-handed glove lines or white socks, but we're too goddamn scared for that. (Yahoo UK)
These Tatty Devine broaches are pretty cool. They'd be a lot cooler if they went to 11. (Style Salvage)
Paper collects the "25 Most Stylish Songbirds", covering fashionable female singers in such categories as "Flower Child" (Joanna Newsom) and "Hot Mess" (Amy Winehouse—but of course). (Oh No They Didn't)
The marketing geniuses at Coors did their research and discovered the best way to get young Britons to drink their beer was by egregiously ripping off Flight of the Conchords. Worth every penny those focus groups. (LVHRD)
Image via The NYTimes