Welcome to the first challenge of this year’s edition of our Next Big
Style Blogger Contest. By now, our five wonderful
finalists have introduced themselves
so now all that remains is to put these ladies to task and find out
who has the guts, grit, and — most importantly — personal je ne sais quoi to
take home the title in a series of stylish drills.
For our lead-off challenge, we’ve asked these five fantastic women to
prep themselves for Fashion Week on a very tight budget. As you
know, sitting in the front row or standing outside the Tents requires
a certain brand of chic that could compel hovering street-style photogs to stop and
snap. Alas, many editors try to live caviar lifestyles on ramen
salaries — such is the glamorous world of media! So we’re asking our
budding style stars to whip up an outfit magnetic enough to draw
Tommy Ton’s lens...and for only $100. We've done it before, and we know YOU can, too.
To see how inventive our blogger beauties were, and snag a few tips on how to create a
front-row look for a standing-room price-tag, click over to our contest
page asap. And ladies, it's officially ON.