Start saving your pennies! One of Edvard Munch's (and Western art history's) most iconic paintings, "The Scream" will be up for auction at Sotheby's May 2nd auction in New York and it could be all yours with just a couple (80) million dollars. (NY Daily News)
Drawings from ancient (well, kind of ancient) New York show 1919-ers envisioned a city with more airplanes than Starbucks. Circular landing strips, really? Way to set us up for disappointment! (Gothamist)
Acne's spreading (out), and we couldn't be more excited! The London line we're constantly obsessing over is moving into a bigger, badder, better space in SoHo. (Racked)
Linsanity continues! Try your hand at these Jeremy Lin-spired talons whether you're a bball fan or simply want to look like one. (Beauty High)
What do Chloe Sevigney, Jay-Z and Beyonce have in common? No, really, what could they have possibly been talking about at the Knick's game last night? (Gawker)
Okay, we're all guilty of doing a little (or a lot of) Facebook stalking, and we're all at least somewhat aware that Facebook knows more about us than it should. Still, this big brother-style installation in a Brooklyn Gallery still gives us the creeps. (Animal New York)

Photo: Via NY Daily News