Bethenny Frankel book signing—Bethenny, sweetie, we get it: you're skinny as shit. If you're interested in looking like a desperate Real Housewife, swing by her book signing for The Skinnygirl Dish—to be frank, we don't get how it's any different from the rest.
Today Show weddings—While we've never wanted one of those big, kinda tacky "Today" show weddings, we don't think it's right to discriminate against those who do. On that note, NBC is extending the application process for their "Modern Day Wedding Contest" to include same-sex couples. Whatever your orientation, act fast 'cuz you've got 'til Monday night to apply.
The Kids Are All Right—Speaking of same-sex, this movie has been getting rave reviews just about everywhere. The tale of two mothers, played by Julianne Moore and Annette Bening, tells the message that two mothers can have a traditional family. We're placing bets that this gem will sweep the Oscars.
Sunday's Best At Opening Ceremony—We're super amped that this geometric jewelry collection is droppin' into NYC's OC this week—we're especially feeling the crescent rings and cutout bangles. It puts a definitive edge on your Sunday outfit.
Meatopia—Start the week off right with a meaty event that's all about, well, meat. Today, Governor's Island will become a vegan's worst nightmare, with 30 chefs and BBQ teams grilling some local, sustainable fare. Carnivores never had it this good.
M.I.A.'s New Album—Despite some recent vitriolic twitter attacks, M.I.A. proves that she's still got it in / / / Y / (yes that's the title), her new album out Tuesday. We still wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
The City Season Finale—Season 2 made us never want to hear the words "Elle.com" again, but we still live for the rivalry between Erin and Olivia. Though not a ton happens in each episode (there's only so many 60 second montages of NYC we can handle before we lose it) tune in Tuesday night to see bitchiness done right.
Jorge Pardo At Gagosian—Friday will bring Bulgogi to L.A. in artist Pardo's epic exhibition. He's turning the gallery into a rad domestic space that'll have you wanting to move in.
The Obama Diaries—Whether you like Obama or not, this tome out Tuesday by conservative pundit Laura Ingraham skewers the prezzie with fake diary entries that are nothing short of hilarious. We could do without all the right-wing dogma though.
Magnolia Bakery L.A.—We don't really need to tell you why this is beyond, but just in case, this bakery has the best cupcakes like, ever. Now west-coasters can get in on the craze—don't blame us though if you become addicted.