This Is Our Jam: Hooray For Earth, “True Loves”

The reggae-inflected crunch of Hooray for Earth's “True Loves” rises out of a mechanized pandemonium and staggers forward like a three-legged contraption from some Jules Vern fan fiction. The band takes great pains to arrange every anodic squeal and squelch just so—employing dog-whistle highs and whale-song lows with a deliberateness that recalls both Menomena and the Brainfeeder roster. While “True Loves” doesn’t approach the wheels within wheels headiness of a beatmaker like Flying Lotus, there's still a tightness to Hooray for Earth's indie pop that isn’t that far removed. Watch the video, below, which is a visual feast in itself, and reminds me of a combination of Tarsem and Zardoz. (Pitchfork)

Hooray for Earth—True Loves
"True Loves"

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