DIY alert! How to get Thom Browne's silver lips without making out with the Tin Man or that guy in Times Square. (NY Mag)
Hey, they say to write what you know, right? Two NY-based editors are celebrating their breakup out in the (cyber) open by asking readers to choose between them. Polls range from "Which Editor Is Your Favorite?" to "What Should I Do With Lindsay's Dumb Lamp?" on the new "Huffpost Ugh" blog. (Huffington Post)
Moms say the darndest things! This mother's summary is the new funniest way to know what's happening on The Bachelor without actually having to watch The Bachelor. (Spoiler alert: he's an "outdoorsy type" who kisses too much.) (Jezebel)
A new video exposes NY'ers for all the things we really hate. But give us a little credit, there are still some things we like... like bagels and the Highline (there's totally more, we'll just have to get back to you). (Gothamist)
How much did you spend on your honey yesterday? The average New Yorker treats their loved one to $146 worth of heart-shaped swag on V-day every year. Sounds like it's time to get back to work! (Brokelyn)
Photo: Via NY Mag