Thorny Rose Wines Adds Some Glamour(ai) To Its Grapes In This Vid

With Napa and Sonoma as our grape-crushing neighbors, it should come as no surprise that we’re absolutely wild about wine. Whether it’s red, white, or rose, if you’ve got it — we’ll swirl and sip it! So, when we hear about a burgeoning brand of vino, especially one with major panache, we’re eager to share the news.
Freshly launched, Washington-based wines Thorny Rose Wines delivers a sweet set of blends and is celebrating its launch with a short film that challenges drinkers to "embrace their thorny side." With the help of Kelly Framel of The Glamourai (and by help we mean this gorgeous gal wrote, produced, and styled the vid) and her pal Blake Martin, this video will leave you wondering why you don’t have a glass of Thorny Rose Chardonnay in hand this very second. The catchy, poppy film shares the “true story of four wines, six friends, and one kick-ass barbeque.” Sounds like quite a soiree, no? Plus, how cute are the clothes and mise-en-scène of the shoot? We’ll take one of everything, please! Feeling thorny? Peep the video above and let us know what you think!

Video: Via Thorny Rose Wines