By Rachel Rose
— After working for years in print artistry, NYC-based designer Rachel Rose finally decided it was time to branch out and start her own clothing line. Since its inception in January 2011, her line has producing multiple collections consisting of beautiful, billowy shirts and dresses that are ideal pieces for prancing around town. Added bonus: Rachel hand dyes all of her fabrics with a nouveau-tie-dye technique reminiscent of Rorschach tests (you know, just like the therapist uses), don’t you think?
Price range: $127 - $204
Lana Woroniecka — Riot Grrrls unite! And come check out Lana Woroniecka and her colorful, anatomical earrings and necklaces — both feminist and fashion statements. By sculpting her jewelry charms from clay, Lana uses the different body symbols (fists, lips, brains) featured throughout her line to empower women and promote body positivity and self-love in a kitschy way. Uterus brooch available upon request (seriously).
Price range: $4 - $35
Price range: $15- $659