While we love our dudes, sometimes their taste can be a little questionable. And when it comes to engagement rings, we don't want a hunk of rock that's not so cute staring at us in the face forever and ever. Luckily, dropping hints all Bride Wars style just got a whole lot easier thanks to a certain Mr. Jobs. Just in time for the summer (beach proposal anyone?), Tiffany & Co.'s has come to the rescue with their first iPhone app, The Engagement Ring Finder, that makes researching, browsing, and sizing a piece of cake. So scroll through and choose your top 5 most eye-catching diamonds—you can then share them with friends and family via Facebook and Twitter. We recommend "accidentally" sending it to your potential groom too: You don't want any surprises when you open that teal box, baby!
The app will be available on iTunes June 14th. (WWD)