Coffee Fanatics, This New East Bay Spot Is Calling Your Name!


If there is one thing that’s near and dear to hearts here in the Bay, it’s our beans. We don’t take our artisanal sips with a grain of salt — and why should we? There’s a whole world of make-you-melt coffee offerings here, and now we can add another to our ever-expanding list. According to Tablehopper, Robert Leimpeter, the former head roaster at Sightglass Coffee, has just opened an East Bay spot dubbed Timeless Coffee
that's causing quite a buzz.

The newbie Oakland cafe will feature fresh-brewed beans and tasty, decadent chocolate and pastry bites. Snuggled nicely on Piedmont Avenue, we know we’ll be making a pit stop here once we’ve ransacked our two nearby faves, Issues and Mercy Vintage. As if you needed any more reasons to get over to his hot hood — this is it.

Timeless Coffee,
4252 Piedmont Avenue (at Glenwood Avenue); Oakland.

Photo: Via Foursquare/Timeless Coffee