Tiny Jewel Box’s Secret Second Floor = Our New Happy Place

Not to get all alarmist on you, but your holiday shopping days are basically dunzo. So if you feel the need to take a long lunch today to do some shopping, we totally understand — and we won't say a word to your boss. Lucky for you, one quick visit to Dupont's Tiny Jewel Box can wipe out most of your list. A Washington institution, the shop is admired for the elegant fine jewelry that adorns the first floor, but did you know there's also a semi-secret second floor gift shop — otherwise known as Perfect Present Central? Pretty cosmetic bags and pouches from Stephanie Johnson, clever embellished pillows, stylish decor picks from John Derian — you'll find all these goodies and more, at a variety of price ranges. With these no-brainer buys in easy reach, you can cross any last names off your list and still have plenty of time to grab a bite on the way back to your desk — how's that for hump-day productivity?
Where: Tiny Jewel Box, 1147 Connecticut Avenue NW; 202-393-2747.

Photo: Courtesy of BrandLinkDC

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