Juergen Teller peppers real unclothed flesh among the naked marbles of the Louvre for his Paradis shoot. We wonder how cold it was in there.
Over in London, Mark Fast used a bevy of normal to plus-sized models, causing some to cheer and one stylist to walk out.
More Kelly Cutrone fun on ASVOF—this time, Kells becomes a cartoon.
Remember Peter Braunstein, the imprisoned ex-WWD reporter turned vicious rapist? Apparently he's even more into Gossip Girl than you are. Gross!
"Samantha" may be getting married in the new
Sex and the City
movie. Who's the groom? Smith? Donald Trump? Carrie?
After years of slip-on success, TOMS makes a radical jump forward into laced footwear.
Someone sent a dead chicken in a box to Style.com social correspondent Derek Blasberg. Guess we should have poked some air holes in the package, hunh?
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