You know those artistic renderings of MTA subway cars? The ones right next to the Dr. Zizmor's magic zit formula banners and worker's comp lawyers? Well, a special education teacher pulled a hamburgler and tried to snatch one. Things didn't work out. (Animal)
Just in time for the heat, down-under import Zimmerman, will open for business at 87 Mercer in Soho at the end of March. (NYRacked)
Toms shoes' one-for-one philanthropy is going Wonka. Their new program "Toms Ticket to Give," just went live on their website, and it will grant winning customers the opportunity to join their "giving trips" delivering shoes to the needy all over the world. Like we needed another reason to make these our everyday city shoes. (Toms )
In weird James Franco news, the actor-slash-novelist-slash-conceptual-artist-slash-poet has yet another addendum for his bio: director. "Francophrenia (or: Don't Kill Me, I Know Where the Baby Is)" will premier at the 11th annual Tribeca Film festival between April 19-28. (Huffington Post)
Lesters, the beloved Upper East side boutique, just launched their website. You may all collectively sigh in relief now. (Lesters)

Photo: Courtesy of Toms Shoes