If you guessed the Democrat option, you were...wrong. That's right. If you thought Toms wearers were all liberal hipsters and crunchy granola types, think again. The buy-one-give-one shoe brand created a line of special-edition shoes for the 2012 election: one design for Republicans, another for Democrats, and a non-partisan pair emblazoned with “Vote.” But, while plenty of pairs of Democrat and non-partisan pairs remain in stock, the Republican version (with a red elephant, natch) is already sold out in women’s sizes.
It seems that Republicans are putting their political feet forward, while Democrats apparently are keeping their feelings…a little more private. CafePress reports that their pro-Obama thongs (like this meme-tastic pair) are the most popular type of political underwear (who knew such a thing even existed?), and all styles of Obama-themed undies have outsold pro-Romney pairs. But, in an interesting twist, nearly all the anti-candidate unmentionables selling on the same site are anti-Obama styles.
Funny that Obama undergarments — for men and women — would dominate, since Michelle recently answered the “boxers or briefs" question with “none of the above.”
Photo: Courtesy of Toms