Talk about blast from the past! This week's contests brought on the laughs (once again) as you guys were brave enough to backtrack a few decades and show us your favorite moment from the 80's. From Christene's super flashy clubbin' outfit (and amazing pose) to Brooke's 6-year-old portrait complete with a Zac Morris-approved shirt, the decision was definitely a hard one. But in the end, Jen's hilarious tribute to Cyndi Lauper or Madonna (we're still trying to figure that out) helped her score a vintage accessories package courtesy of Alter Boys. But that's not all! We were feeling generous this week and gave away an exclusive Richard Chai & Alternative Apparel Shirt and some Sperry Top-Siders to kick off your spring season. All you had to do was tell us your comfiest piece of clothing or show us your picture perfect waterside moment. From dad's vintage Hanes tee to Jay's Top-Sider Wedding, this week's entries definitely made us laugh out loud, coo, and most of all, look forward to next week's contests!
Check out our top entries of the week!

WINNER: Bitemysteez
"when i was a young teen my dad gave me a white hane's undershirt to wear under an itchy wool sweater that i absolutely hated but mother forced me to wear b/c it was cold out. almost 20 years later, i still wear this tshirt and it's always remained my favorite -- the collar is frayed, it's as thin as a burnout and drapes like silk. now i wear it w/ everything! under: cashmere pullovers, draped cardigans, chambray shirts...over: pleather leggings, mini skirts, skinny jeans. every time i wear it i smile and think of my childhood vacations, family dinners and my dad's comforting voice."
Best of the rest:
Cristina: "most comfy item: my own skin. if you dont feel comfortable in that, then you can't be comfortable in anything."
eskimonial: "My stolen ex-boyfriend's Ralph Lauren cashmere V neck sweater. He was going through this strange preppy stage and had an insane shopping spree at Ralph Lauren. I "borrowed" it from him on a chilly day and "accidentally" shrunk it when I was trying to get the "stain" out. It was still oversize ( in a good way) on me but ended up being wayyyy too small on him. I wear it around my place 24/7 and it is the softest comfiest thing imaginable."
lisamhampton: "is it wrong to say my leopard print snuggie is the most comfy item i own? it's purrrrrfect."
raimeyhunter: "The most comfy item that I now own is one of my husband's vintage cashmere sweaters. It's got a few moth holes, but it's big, warm, extremely soft, and smells like heaven. Every now and then, I wash it and have him wear it again so it smells like him and then I swipe it. He says he loves to see me in his clothes, so I take full advantage. If I could only bottle that scent."
LisaL: "My most comfy item is the item no other human being is allowed to see. Rainbow striped socks with plastic grips on the bottom. After running around NY (ok ok NJ) all day in 3 inch heels, slipping on those super soft havens of comfort make the day worthwhile. But if any person enters my apartment they are quickly returned to the very back of the unmentionables drawer."
Amy: "The comfiest thing I own is a pair of Uggs. Ha! Right. No really, in all serious seriousness, the comfiest thing in my household is honestly my baby blanket. Not gonna lie. I've had it since I was a baby. It smells like fresh laundry, and is THE softest thing I own. It's white, and made of a cotton waffle-knit texture, and since I've had it so many years, it's worn down so it's crazy soft. When it's cold outside, I can't wait to get into my AA sweatshirt and some sweat pants, grab a book and some hot chocolate, and snuggle up with my baby blanket."