Top Ten FW Moments Monday: Hairy Situations at Patrik Ervell, The Sartorialist Snaps Us Looking Frazzled, and We Opt for Onion Rings Instead of Gaga

1. Our much-needed Fashion Week respite at Freemans' 5th Anniversary party where we chowed down, non-fashion style.
2. The slick gold watches at General Idea. Photo by Ashley Jahnke,
3. We can't pick a moment from the Dazed & Confused party, but let's just say that at one point, Jethro Cave licked us while we were gawking at Hamish Bowles busting a move. Photo by Zana Bayne.
4. Four Marc Jacobs and Lady Gaga party bracelets and five of us who wanted to go. We're of Marc's own "bros before hos" mentality so we went for onion rings instead.
5. Jeremy Laing sitting front-row at Patrik Ervell and admiring the Laing coifs that all the models were sporting. Photo by Heather Kramer.
6. Color-whiz-kid Chris Benz's debut of his new lipstick collaboration with Lancôme. Hopefully, we'll see a purple in the set? Photo by Heather Kramer.
7. The weepy models at Rad Hourani who, judging from their slicked hair and shiny complexions, might have been upset because they lost a baby-oil wresting contest. Photo via
8. Realizing we were being photographed by the Sartorialist outside Pier 59 while our friend was shaking us silly like a rag-doll. Photo by Eddie Newton/
9. The brass champagne fountain at the Alex + Eli presentation at an old '70s sex club.
10. Oh--one more from Dazed: Spotting Yvan the Face Hunter with a gaggle of girls on his arms. Photogs do have a certain Je ne sais quoi. Photo via Face Hunter.
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