About singing with her daughter on "Promise":
"She is very funny. I’m not quite sure. At 13 she loves music. She plays a couple of instruments and she sings. She also loves how films are made. She also loves storytelling. So, how she begins to tell those stories is something, as she develops and grows, she is going to find out, as an explorer for herself.”
About "Giants Rolling Pin":
“Beth and Marlane are real women. They make pies with help from the Asiola Café. It’s a café in Stuart, Florida. Downtown. A while ago, I was having their pies and I was thinking, ‘I’m going to write a song about this amazing food.' They make these amazing pies. During Christmas, you have to get on a list because otherwise you won’t get a pie. I was thinking, when I was eating this pie, ‘This is too good. What if it had truth-telling serum in it. What if you could see through any lie in time? Then I started thinking about how people would want to get their hands on that. Then it just started rolling from there. That is sometimes how those things start. It comes from a place that’s in reality, then things start happening.
About the music of today:
“What I really want to say to you is that, yes, there is some very talented singer-songwriters out there. They are making their mark. However, I reckon there aren’t as many singer-songwriters being signed now as there could be. We, as a culture, have been nurturing a lot of our vocalists who then use professional songwriters. So, this has been great for the songwriting business. I’m very happy for those songwriters that are getting a lot of work.