Our love-affair with stepping outside the pattern-box reached a fever pitch when Dries Van Noten sent a fantasy-mosaic of patterned concoctions down the runway in fall 2010, but let's just say we're big fans of print mixing, and have been for a while. Whether you're into Rachel Comey's off-beat combos, or Suno's punchy variety, we have a feeling this is a look that everyone can get behind. From mixing floral and geometric patterns to comboing stripes of different types, the possibilities of individual interpretations are endless. So, we're challenging you, dear readers, to a little style-off. You submit your best stab at mastering mixed prints on Maybelline's Facebook Fan page, and we play judge panel to the submissions.The look we think rocked their outfit best will win a gorgeous clutch from Foley + Corinna. How's that for an incentive?