In a week when the Daily Mail provided us with the most controversial humblebrag article of all time courtesy of Samantha Brick, it offers us another, lighter example. Reporter Liz Jones writes — with tongue firmly in cheek — about her fear of becoming Kate Middleton in looks and style (we should all be so lucky, right?). Indeed, Jones seems to have fallen under the spell of Britain's new, fresh-faced princess (their fashion picks are eerily identical), and Jones, who, it should be noted, has been blacklisted from many fashion shows as the Style Editor of the Mail — offers tips on catching Kate's look while peppering the Duchess with compliments, even as she openly fears accusations of looking like Middleton. So what do you think folks — another English humblebrag, pure style biting, or a true case of Morphakateaphobia? (Daily Mail)

Photos: via Daily Mail.