NaomiNevitt: "Sarah Kuhn's hand-painted Slow And Steady Wins The Race bags now for sale at Two Bridges Trading! http://twitpic.com/oi7qd" We're rushing over there straight after work!
fuggirls: "Our readers' commitment to #pornmustaches makes me proud. Fight the good fight, America! - H" Just say no.
chrissiemiller: "Watching the Yankee Parade... I LOVE when men get all emotional about each other, its so hot." What's not hot: Not being able to access your front door because there's five guys in Yankees hats spraying each other with Natty Ice.
styledotcom: "The Prada book weighs in at 708 pages. It includes ruminations on "the brand" and photos from every campaign since 1983."' We might actually replace our coffee table with the Prada coffee table book. Same size, right?
Modelinia: "Do you have weekend plans yet? Here's a full list of activities that are model approved -- http://bit.ly/2ubBVk" [Insert Joke Here About Smoking Cigerettes and Eating Kleenex]