cmbenz: "6 months 'til Summer! http://bit.ly/7qRhcM" 6 long months of the Winter Arrrgghhs. Lord help us.
MJ_Day: "I have some experience with body paint removal (your fantasy, not mine) I want to impart some pearls of wisdom on @darcie_517 helpul hints??" Ah, a day in the life of a Swimsuit Illustrated employee. We know approximately 29183 people who'd give their throwing arm for a chance to help out.
MISTERMORT: "RT @kimpaper: did anybody sell ANYTHING at art Basel? My photo sold (I priced it mad cheap) Oh, sylvester stalone sold 2 paintings (ny post)" Lookee that! Rocky Balboa, artist extroidinaire!
allplaidout: "Struggling to get out the door today. What is the deal?" The weather, dude. When it looks like the hellmouth hath descended upon Manhattan, emerging from under your covers is pretty hard to do.
jenist: "was just invited to a "cute" party that will help women w/ car phobias like changing tires. asking them to put me + betty draper on the list" You bring the canapes, and we'll bring our self-hatred and sexual frustrations!
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