HuffStyle: "Naomi Campbell breaks a camera over a question about blood diamonds. Watch:" The quiet before the storm. Doesn't she look nearly peaceful just seconds before she rages against a camera?
NaomiNevitt: "Bike or walk to work? Help make NYC's streets safer and cleaner:" Time to combo your commute with your daily exercise—and do a good thing for the planet and the roads!
InsideDVF: "Everyone is out in NYC !! Even the President was downtown this morning ! Happy day ! DVF" Happy day, indeed! Welcome to the East Village, Obama! Take care you don't trip on a Cooper Union student while you're there!
StyleListSays: "Did #avatar influence your style? Yeah, same here. Yet it's on this list of the top 25 most fashionable films:" What, you're telling us that our waist-long braid and leather bikini set aren't in? Embarrassed!
stefanogabbana: "I love Eemie Meenie song!!!! My obsession Now..." Ladies and gentlemen...presenting Stefano Gabbana, Jason Bieber fan.