Rachel_Roy: Behind the scenes shoot for http://rachelroy.com - a sneak peek at the @Jess_Stam jean - love. -RR http://twitpic.com/21baz4" Macy's has been killing it lately in terms of collaborations. First Madge, now Jess and Rachel!
markindelicato: "I've decided to not let my iPad leave my sight" May we suggest an iPadlock?
fuggirls: "Though I often want people to look into wearing pants, I personally feel Wonder Woman should be exempt. - J http://bit.ly/cORsRM" Our rule is this: In certain cases, a magical lasso may be worn in lieu of pants.
darcie_517: "My life is complete. Jersey Shore season 2 trailer - http://bit.ly/adIbrt" Cannot. Freakin.' Wait. To. Creep.
ElizandJames: "#nowplaying AC/DC- Back in Black" Refinery29 #nowplaying Solange's "Still Is The Move" cover.
jeremylaing: "Bald lady to me, in a british accent: "Can you spare a little change white boy?" Anything said with a British accent can sound pleasant...even coming from a bald woman.